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high energy radiation中文是什么意思

用"high energy radiation"造句"high energy radiation"怎么读"high energy radiation" in a sentence


  • 高能辐放射
  • 高能辐射


  • China reached a milestone with the successful deployment of the solar and cosmic high energy radiation monitoring system on the shenzhou - ii orbiting module early last year
  • Gamma - ray observations help astronomers understand the basic physics of these sources by measuring the energy and variability of the highest energy radiation coming from these sources , radiation often comes directly from the central engine
  • Powered by its own solar panels , the orbiting module remained in orbit for almost 6 months . it contains experiments to study the space environment at the orbiting altitude and , for the very first time , an orbiting astronomical telescope to study high energy radiation from objects ranging from our sun to distant cosmic explosions from far away universe
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